Jerry Huang
Jerry Huang

Author Archives: Jerry Huang

Jerry is a young aspiring Internet Entrepreneur who started his online business at the age of 18. He is currently a Full-time Affiliate Marketer at Wealthy Affiliate, a community to help anyone start their own online business without prior experience. He actually achieved Financial Independence at the young age of 21. Read more about his story here!

Is Autopilot Profits a Scam? (Ewen Chia’s Scam Exposed Again!)

Welcome to my Autopilot Profits review!

First of all, I must congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" products.

That's definitely the right way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online.

Ewen Chia, the founder of Autopilot Profits, claimed that you can make $3460.25 within 24 hours simply by plugging into his "Autopilot Income Machine"...

autopilot profits scam

Is it really possible? Or is Autopilot Profits a scam?

To be honest, this sounds like an outright scam to me since I've been in this industry for quite some time and I've reviewed hundreds of products before.

But let's not judge a book by its cover and dive into today's review...

Autopilot Profits Review Summary

Product Name: Autopilot Profits

Founder: Ewen Chia

Product Type: PDF ebook + video training

Price: $37 + 14 upsells!!

Best For: Ewen Chia & affiliates promoting it

autopilot profits review

Summary: Unsurprisingly, Autopilot Profits is a low quality training product where Ewen's main goal is just to cross promote his other digital products on ClickBank. You won't learn anything valuable enough to make any money online for sure! (I don't want to be so critical and negative towards any product but that's the true identity of this scam product.)

Rating: 5/100

Recommended: No (Scam Alert!)

Wanna Make Money Online but Tired of SCAMS?

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Tube Profit Sniper Review: Make Money Watching YouTube Videos?

Welcome to my Tube Profit Sniper review!

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking the time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" products.

That's the way to stay away from scams and find the real legitimate way to make money online.

Tube Profit Sniper claimed that you can make $2.3K per day from YouTube...

tube profit sniper income claim

Is that really possible? Or is Tube Profit Sniper a scam?

Let's dive into today's review...

Tube Profit Sniper Review Summary

Product Name: Tube Profit Sniper

Founder: Launched by Unknown Owner on 4 June 2018

Product Type: Video Training on how to make money from YouTube

Price: $37 + downsell to $17 + upsells

Best For: The owner and affiliates promoting this product

tube profit sniper review

Summary: Tube Profit Sniper is a low quality training product created by an unknown serial scam artist. The training provided is too basic for you to even make a dime on YouTube. All the information can be easily found online for Free.

Rating: 15/100

Recommended: No

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Fast Earners Club Review: 4 Ugly Truths Revealed! [Scam Alert]

Welcome to my Fast Earners Club review!

First of all, I must Congratulate your for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" products.

That's the only way to stay away from scams and find real legitimate ways to make money online.

The mysterious owner of Fast Earners Club claimed that you can make up to $1,000 per day in the next 30 minutes...

fast earners club scam review

This is absolute hype!

To be honest, I can straightaway tell you that is impossible.

But let's don't just a book by its cover and let me show you what's really inside Fast Earners Club...

Fast Earners Club Review Summary

Product Name: Fast Earners Club

Founder: Unknown

Product Type: Extremely brief PDF documents

Price: $39 + $149 Upsell

Best For: The mysterious owner and affiliates promoting this product

fast earners club review

Summary: Fast Earners Club is an absolute scam product because all the hyped up sales pitches are not true and the actual materials inside the members area can all be found online for Free. Most importantly, this product is created by scam artist who is just trying to make money for himself/herself.

Rating: 5/100 (Scam Alert!)

Recommended: No

Wanna Make Money Online but Tired of Scams?

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Auto Affiliate Machine Review – What a LOUSY Machine!

Welcome to my Auto Affiliate Machine review!

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking the time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" products".

I know I only have a few seconds to capture your attention. So very quickly why listen to me?

If you do a simple search for "Auto Affiliate Machine review", you can find lots of reviews highly recommending this product.

But what these marketers are really doing is that they want to promote it to you to earn affiliate commissions.

Personally, I'm not an affiliate of Auto Affiliate Machine so rest assured that I'm not here to promote this product to you.

Instead, I'll be uncovering the real truth of this product for you to make your own decision.


Auto Affiliate Machine Review Summary

Product Name: Auto Affiliate Machine (AAM)

Founder: Founded by Billy Darr, David Kirkby & Justin Opay on 26th April 2018

Product Type: Affiliate Product Review PDF Generator

Price: $17 + 4 upsells & numerous downsells

Best For: The owners only

auto affiliate machine review

Summary: Auto Affiliate Machine is just a software to help you generate a simple PDF document. It claims to help you make thousands of dollars on autopilot but it's really not the case. It's doing affiliate marketing in the wrong way. (If you want to know why, keep reading my review below!)

Rating: 15/100

Recommended: No

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9 Ways on How to Avoid Scams Online – Let’s Make Money Safely!

I know I only have a few seconds to capture your attention because there are a ton of boring information on how to avoid scams online.

So very quickly, why listen to me?

  1. I've personally reviewed hundreds of digital products on this website
  2. I've found the right system to earn 4-digits passive income per month at the age of 20

That's why I'm very familiar with all the sales techniques scammers are using.

Just by going through some of the reviews on my site here, you can see that I expose scams with real proofs, not just my own opinion.

In this post, let me reveal to you all the RED FLAGS you need to beware of and how to stay safe online.

But before that...

If you're tired of Scams, check out my #1 Recommendation HERE!

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Is The Super Affiliate Success System a Scam? Here are the Truths…

Welcome to The Super Affiliate Success System review!

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking the time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product or opportunity.

The Super Affiliate Success System is definitely something too good to be true.

Let me prove to you why you should stay away from it...

The Super Affiliate Success System Review Summary

Product Name: The Super Affiliate Success System (TSASS)

Founder: Unknown

Product Type: Sales Funnel for The Super Affiliate Network

Price: $37/month + upsells up to $13K

Best For: The owner & beginners who have thousands of dollars to invest

the super affiliate success system review

Summary: The Super Affiliate Success System is just a sales funnel created to promote The Super Affiliate Network, which is a high-ticket affiliate marketing training platform. If you want to join, prepare yourself with at least a few thousand dollars before even considering.

Rating: 10/100

Recommended: No

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Is My Super Affiliate Mentor a Scam? (Worst Mentor You Could Have!)

Welcome to My Super Affiliate Mentor review!

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking the time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" products.

That's the way to stay away from scams and find the real legitimate way to make money online.

I'm not an affiliate of My Super Affiliate Mentor so rest assured that I'm not here to write this product review just to promote it to you.

In fact, My Super Affiliate Mentor claimed that you can make thousands of dollars per day with minimal work because their "system" will take care of all the selling for you.

This really sounds too good to be true!

So, is it really possible? Or is My Super Affiliate Mentor a scam?

Let's dive right into out review today...

My Super Affiliate Mentor Review Summary

Product Name: My Super Affiliate Mentor (aka The Super Affiliate Success System)

Founder: Unknown

Product Type: Simply a Sales Funnel for The Super Affiliate Network

Price: $37/Month + Upsells up to $13K

Best For: The owner and beginners who have thousands of dollars to invest

my super affiliate mentor review

Summary: My Super Affiliate Mentor is simply a hyped-up sales funnel for The Super Affiliate Network, a high-ticket Affiliate Marketing training membership platform. Currently, it's rebranded to "The Super Affiliate Success System". But it's just a sales funnel to "recruit" you into the system.

Rating: 10/100

Recommended: No

What is My Super Affiliate Mentor?

When I only watched the first few seconds of their sales video, numerous scam alarms went off.

If you haven't watched it, you can go and have a look. It's a typical hyped up, scammy and completely misleading kind of sales pitch.

Straightaway they show you a number of people claiming to make thousands per day. Not only that, they said that they're revealing to you the "secret" for you to make big bucks with very little effort.

The best part? It's 100% Free!

my super affiliate mentor free

Are you sure it's 100% Free?

Also, the narrator claimed that it's in her best interest to help you make money because if you make money, she also makes money. It's a win-win situation.

To be honest, this is a typical sales technique. The reason she is making money when you join is because she is "recruiting" you into the system. She is earning affiliate commissions from the membership fees you pay.

If you're a complete beginner, I understand the entire sales pitch may sound very attractive to you.

But you should be aware that if something seems too good to be true, it most probably is.

Almost all of these techniques are used to play with your psychology to increase your trust for them. Unfortunately, that only works for complete newbies.

Let me reveal to you the true identity of this program...

4 figure monthly passive income
Jerry Huang, Founder of Smart Affiliate Success

I'm Jerry!

I Created My Own 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income at just 21 Years Old!

My Super Affiliate Mentor Ugly Truths Revealed!

If you're observant enough, you'll be quite confused with their sales page.

It's called "My Super Affiliate Mentor", yet the entire sales video talked about "The Super Affiliate Success System".

my super affiliate mentor sales page

The URL of the sales page is!

The truth is that...

Both "My Super Affiliate Mentor" and "The Super Affiliate Success System" are not real programs!

Just a Sales Funnel!

Both of them are just sales funnels for another platform called The Super Affiliate Network (SAN).

But it seems that the mysterious owner of My Super Affiliate Mentor has re-branded the sales funnel into "The Super Affiliate Success System", probably because a lot of people had found out the true identity.

Just take a look at their respective logos:

my super affiliate mentor scam

They all use the exact same icon, just with different texts on it.

Not only that, when you go to the check out page, it shows the graphics from The Super Affiliate Network:

my super affiliate mentor buy

My guessing is that the mysterious owner of this sales funnel is just an affiliate of The Super Affiliate Network. So this entire sales funnel is just his/her "weapon" to recruit people under him/her so that he/she earns affiliate commissions.

So What Exactly is The Super Affiliate Network (SAN)?

SAN is a brain child of Misha Wilson, the legendary internet marketer who is known as the youngest and fastest growing traffic and conversion expert on the Internet.

According to him, he wanted to help others achieve the same kind of success like him so he created the SAN to deliver his knowledge and help people make money online via affiliate marketing.

In essence, SAN is an Affiliate Marketing training membership platform. They have lots of online courses with video training teaching various aspects of internet marketing.


Real Problems with The Super Affiliate Network (SAN)

SAN is a very controversial program.

Instead of being the "Affiliate Marketing training membership platform", I would like to call it the "High-ticket Membership Upsell Machine!"

First of all, it's a 'Pay-to-Play' Program, which means you'll have to purchase their various membership levels in order to earn commissions. (By the way, that's not how legitimate affiliate marketing works!)

Just to give you a rough idea for the amount of money you need to pay...

  • SAN Basic Membership ($47/month)
  • SAN Pro Membership ($2,497)
  • Maui Intensive Mentoring ($12,497)
  • Just to name a few!

Don't expect yourself to get by with just a $47/month Basic Membership because with Basic Membership, you can't earn the high-ticket commissions they want to push to you.

Not only that, you'll be assigned with a "coach/mentor" once you join. It may sound like a good idea but to be honest, such coaches are just telesales person to upsell you their back-end membership products.

The SAN members will definitely disagree with me on this because there is legit training inside the members area and you can really make money. That's true.

But this kind of program is something you want to stay away from because...

In essence, you're just purchasing a "resell right" to resell their digital training products.

To be completely transparent with you, this type of program is nothing new. You can take a look at other programs like Digital Altitude, MOBE, Legendary Marketer and AWOL Academy.

Despite not exactly the same, they are all very similar...

  • They have multiple membership levels (in other words, multiple upsells!)
  • Their business model is all about "recruiting" new members into the systems to earn commission
  • You are only eligible for commissions to the membership levels you have personally purchased (which means you have to pay thousands before you can earn those high-ticket commissions)

Can you start to see why you should stay away from such programs?

That's not the end...

If such programs are not managed properly, they may result in the situation like what Digital Altitude had to go through - being sued and shut down by FTC. (You can say they're pyramid schemes in disguise!)

By the way, My Super Affiliate Mentor and The Super Affiliate Success System are very similar to the Laptop Lifestyle System (LLS) because LLS is just a sales funnel built to promote MOBE!

Tired of Scams? Join My Top Recommended Training Here!

What I Like About My Super Affiliate Mentor...

1. My Super Affiliate Mentor Honest Disclaimer

In fact, My Super Affiliate Mentor is being honest despite all the misleading hypes.

They actually disclose that...

"The typical purchaser does not make any money using this system"

my super affiliate mentor scam review

I respect them for being so honest unlike many other low quality products or scams.

2. Real Testimonials

I've exposed countless scams which use fake testimonials to prove their scam products work.

But SAN is different. Misha Wilson is a real person who is very successful and the testimonials I found on their check out page are also real...

my super affiliate mentor testimonials

How do I know that?

I've done my own research and found out these pictures are real members of The SAN.

For example, Mel Archuleta has a website at promoting SAN. You can also check out Ace and Rich Guzman's website here!

2. Yes, You Can Really Make Money!

So this brings us to the next benefit of SAN...

Yes, you can make real money with them. This is the same for programs like AWOL Academy, MOBE and Legendary Marketer.

There are real people who can achieve huge success with these systems. But the problem is that you need to invest thousands of dollars in their high-ticket products in the first place.


You're expected to resell their membership to make money. It's hard for you to build your own online business however you like.

This is unlike Wealthy Affiliate where you're taught the skills to build your own affiliate marketing business in whatever niche of your choice, be it any kind of sports, gadgets, accessories or even weird niches like Football Snack Helmets!

Is My Super Affiliate Mentor a Scam?

No, My Super Affiliate Mentor is not a scam. Neither is The Super Affiliate Network a scam.

My Super Affiliate Mentor is just a hyped-up and misleading sales funnel created to promote The SAN.

And The SAN is just a high-ticket membership platform which is all about reselling their membership and recruiting people into the system.

That's why I rate The SAN 45/100 while My Super Affiliate Mentor with a score of only 10/100.

Just to make myself clear again...

  • I'm NOT saying there's no value in their training
  • I'm also NOT saying you can't make any money with them

But such programs are just not recommended for the reasons I've explained in this review.

How I Make a Living Online...

I've personally created a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream and become financially independent at just 21 years old without any College degree or working experience!

Through my own hard work, I went from a broke restaurant waiter to living my dream laptop lifestyle in less than a year's time...

If you want to discover the secrets of how I did it at such a young age, click here!


Earn Easy Commissions Review – Pyramid Scheme Alert!

Welcome to my Earn Easy Commissions review!

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking the time to do your own research here before buying into any "seemingly good" products.

That's one of the key factors to success. Don't be lazy!

I know I only have a few seconds to capture your attention. So very quickly, why listen to me?

  1. I'm not like those Earn Easy Commissions Affiliates praising this system like God just to promote it to you
  2. I literally spent hours in front of my laptop going through the entire system/training inside the members area

So I'll be able to provide you with an in-depth, unbiased and balanced review about this product.


Then, let's don't waste anymore time and dive into today's review...

Earn Easy Commissions Review Summary

Product Name: Earn Easy Commissions (EEC)

Founder: Chuck Nguyen 

Product Type: Done-For-You Affiliate Marketing Program (But Pyramid Scheme in disguise)

Price: Free (upfront) + $750 (backend) + other upsells/hidden costs

Best For: Chuck himself & affiliate marketing newbies who have the money to invest

earn easy commissions review

Summary: Earn Easy Commissions seems to be a very good system to help you make money online, simply because the founder, Chuck, is very good at selling. In reality, it's just a pyramid scheme in disguise which I'll prove to you in this review.

Rating: 25/100

Recommended: No

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Affiliate Millionaire Club Review (7 UGLY TRUTHS Revealed!)

Welcome to my Affiliate Millionaire Club review!

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" products.

I'm not like any other "normal" marketers out there claiming things like "Read This Before Buying!".

So you know that I'm an authentic and no BS guy who's just trying to help.

And yes, I'm here to give you my honest review about Affiliate Millionaire Club. But more importantly, I'm here to reveal to you the UGLY TRUTHS about this product (with proofs!).

I'll do my best to make it well-worth your time. So, let's dive right into it...

Affiliate Millionaire Club Review Summary

Product Name: Affiliate Millionaire Club

Founder: First launched by Ahmed & Mo back in 2014

Product Type: Affiliate Site Builder + Training

Price: $47

Best For: The owners & probably affiliate marketing newbies

affiliate millionaire club review

Summary: Affiliate Millionaire Club is a sub-par affiliate site builder with legit but very basic training which is not enough for you to really succeed with affiliate marketing.

Rating: 35/100

Recommended: No

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Is Quantum Ad Code a Scam? (Yes, the WORST Scam Ever!)

Welcome to my Quantum Ad Code review!

First of all, Congratulations for taking the time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" products.

Let's don't waste any time and get straight to the point...

Is Quantum Ad Code a scam?

Yes, Quantum Ad Code is a scam. Not only that, it's a total scam product you should definitely stay away from. No questions asked!

If you've been following me, you'll know that I never give my verdict without any evidence.

So if you're interested, in this Quantum Ad Code review, there will be PLENTY of evidence to prove to you that this is an outright scam.

If you don't want to waste any time, just take a look at my top recommendation below...

Quantum Ad Code Review Summary

Product Name: Quantum Ad Code

Founder: Michael Crawford Unknown

Product Type: Binary Options Trading Scam

Price: 100% Free Minimum $250 deposit

Best For: The mysterious owner

quantum ad code homepage

Summary: Quantum Ad Code is a binary options trading scam which has been re-branded multiple times in the past. Other fake product names like Free Ad Cash System, Quantum Code and Ad Profit System are all different sales pages to promote this scam.

Rating: 1/100

Recommended: No (Outright Scam Alert!)

Wanna Make Money Online but Tired of Scams?

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