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Category Archives for "Drop Shipping"

Click Start Digital Review – An EXPENSIVE Ecommerce Platform!!!

Welcome to my Click Start Digital review!

Today, we’re looking at an ecommerce program that should be able to fulfill your needs as an entrepreneur. But is it going to be worth investing on? 

We’ll find out in this Click Start Digital review.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with Click Start Digital in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal what this platform has to offer...

Click Start Digital Review Summary

Product Name: Click Start Digital

Founder:  Not disclosed

Product Type:  Ecommerce Platform

Price:  $7,850 plus other expensive options

Best For: No one!

Click Start Digital Review Image Summary

Summary:  Click Start Digital is an ecommerce platform that costs a lot of money, and we mean a lot of money. I mean that's what you expect for having someone else build your website, and more...

Rating: 50/100

Recommended: Yes and No!

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Ecom Babes Review – Empowering Women Entrepreneurs

Welcome to my Ecom Babes review!

It’s not uncommon to see these women-empowered entrepreneurial training courses. We’ve even reviewed a handful of them. 

This course is supposed to help you start and scale your very own ecommerce store. But will this course be able to do that? Or is it all hype? 

Today, we’re reviewing Ecom Babes.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with Ecom Babes in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal what this course has to offer for women...

Ecom Babes Review Summary

Product Name:  Ecom Babes

Founder:  Cortney Fletcher

Product Type:  Ecommerce Training Course

Price:  Info Not Available To Public 

Best For: Women who are eager to start their ecommerce business.

Ecom Babes Review Image Summary

Summary:  Ecom Babes is an ecommerce training program designed for women who want to become ecommerce entrepreneurs.  The costs of the program are not disclosed so it may come as a shock for you when you find out what the price is. But if you are eager to get started, the course provides you with decent education. 

Rating: 50/100

Recommended: Yes and No

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Is LeapVista a Scam? It’s A Controversial Dropshipping Course!

Welcome to my LeapVista review!

Dropshipping is an expensive business model, but people are still eager to know more about it. That’s why you’ll see courses left and right that are ready to teach people about the industry.

This review is going to take a look at LeapVista, a controversial dropshipping course. We say controversial because it’s got a lot of people riled up about it.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with LeapVista in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal what makes this a controversial course...

LeapVista Review Summary

Product Name:  LeapVista

Founder:  Steve and Evan Tan

Product Type:  Ecommerce Training Course

Price:  $997 one-time fee

Best For:  People who want to learn about dropshipping

Is LeapVista a Scam Image Summary

Summary:  LeapVista is an ecommerce dropshipping training course that's considered to be controversial. It's got mixed reviews, and the positive reviews are somewhat suspect. You'll find out what we mean when you read the review below...

Rating: 50/100

Recommended: No!

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What Is eCom Freedom? An Amazon FBA Course By Dan Vas!

Welcome to my eCom Freedom review!

Editor’s note: there are several programs out there listed with eCom Freedom coming from different entrepreneurs. 

This program we are about to review is unrelated to those other programs bearing the same name. 

This program is called eCom Freedom.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with eCom Freedom in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal what this course has to offer...

eCom Freedom Review Summary

Product Name:  eCom Freedom

Founder:  Dan Vas

Product Type:  E-commerce Training

Price:  $497 One-time fee, with installment option

Best For:  People who are serious about their e-commerce business.

What Is eCom Freedom Image Summary

Summary:  eCom Freedom is an e-commerce training course developed by Dan Vas. The program's comprehensive and organized in a way that it's meant for both beginners and experts alike, no matter what Dan says on his disclaimer. 

Rating: 80/100

Recommended: Yes!

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Store Formula Review – Read This Before Buying The Course!

Welcome to my Store Formula review!

Dropshipping is a popular ecommerce business model, and this course teaches you how to do that along with some improvements. 

Will it stand out from the rest of the ecommerce courses we reviewed or will it flunk?

This is a review of Store Formula.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with Store Formula in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal why you shouldn't be bothering with this course...

Store Formula Review Summary

Product Name:  Store Formula

Founder: Jon Mac

Product Type:  Ecommerce Training Course

Price:  $997 one-time fee

Best For:  No one!

Store Formula Review Image Summary

Summary:  Store Formula is a short ecommerce training course that only has about a month's worth of lessons. It doesn't really have anything unique or spectacular to offer. You're better off with other ecommerce courses. 

Rating: 50/100

Recommended: No!

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What Is Ecom Quickstart? It’s Another Course by Adrian Morrison

Welcome to my  Ecom Quickstart review!

Ecommerce is a booming business model. It’s lucrative and responsible for turning people into millionaires. From dropshipping to FBA, people have varied options on how to utilize the business model. 

That’s why you’ll see a lot of ecommerce courses like Ecom Quickstart. But will it give you a QUICK START or will stop you right in your tracks? 

Let’s find out!

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with  Ecom Quickstart in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal what this course has to offer...

 Ecom Quickstart Review Summary

Product Name:   Ecom Quickstart

Founder:  Adrian Morrison

Product Type:  Ecommerce Training Course

Price:  $67.95

Best For:  Beginners in Ecommerce

What Is Ecom Quickstart Summit Image Summary

Summary:   Ecom Quickstart is an ecommerce training course by Adrian Morrison. This course was designed for beginners. Unfortunately, it only covers the basics so don't expect to further your ecommerce experience with this single course.

Rating: 50/100

Recommended: No!

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What Is Ecom Masters Club? An Ecommerce Coaching Program!

Welcome to my Ecom Masters Club review!

This program is sort of an ecommerce kit for entrepreneurs, but what exactly are they getting? Is it worth the time and money to even invest in the program? 

Today, we’re reviewing a program called Ecom Masters Club.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with Ecom Masters Club in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal what this coaching program can offer...

Ecom Masters Club Review Summary

Product Name:  Ecom Masters Club

Founder:  Earnest Epps

Product Type:  Ecommerce Coaching Program

Price:  $1 initial fee, then $47 succeeding monthly payment

Best For: No one! 

What Is Ecom Masters Club Image Summary

Summary:  Ecom Masters Club is an ecommerce training and coaching program, but don't expect a lot from this program. It's good and all, but there's nothing game-changing about what it offers. 

Rating: 50/100

Recommended: No!

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Is The Answers a Scam? Another Course on Dropshipping!

Welcome to my The Answers review!

Dropshipping is a popular business model. It’s popular in a way that it’s lucrative, but not a lot of people are making tons of money from it. That’s why there are courses made for teaching how to do it the right way. 

Faiz Warsani released a new dropshipping course called The Answers and we’ll review it in this article.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with The Answers  in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal if there's anything new to the program...

The Answers Review Summary

Product Name:  The Answers

Founder:  Faiz Warsani

Product Type:  Dropshipping Training

Price:  $697

Best For:  Established dropshippers

Is The Answers a Scam Image Summary

Summary:  The Answers is another course made by Faiz Warsani, which focuses on dropshipping and branding for established dropshippers. The program is not meant for beginners but it does a good job at teaching branding lessons to established businessmen. 

Rating: 50/100

Recommended: No!

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SaleHoo Review – An Awesome Directory For Dropshippers!

Welcome to my SaleHoo review!

Dropshipping is a lucrative business venture if you know how the business works. Part of knowing how the business works is knowing the difference between a good and bad supplier. This program we’re about to review today looks to be a very promising supplier for wholesale products. But is it going to boost your dropshipping business? 

We’ll find out in this SaleHoo review.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with SaleHoo in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal what this directory has to offer for dropshippers...

SaleHoo Review Summary

Product Name:  SaleHoo

Founder:  Simon Slade

Product Type:  Wholesale Supplier Directory

Price:  $67 yearly fee or $127 for lifetime access

Best For:  Dropshippers and people looking to do wholesale supplying. 

SaleHoo Review Image Summary

Summary:  SaleHoo is a wholesale supplier directory that contains about 2.5 million product listings from over 8000 suppliers. The suppliers are vetted, so you are guaranteed they're legitimate. The products of these suppliers are also guaranteed authentic by SaleHoo. For serious dropshippers or wholesalers, this site is worth checking out...

Rating: 80/100

Recommended: Yes!

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What Is Netsphere? An Affordable But Great Dropshipping Course!

Welcome to my Netsphere review!

Dropshipping is no longer the uncommon business model that it was a decade ago. Nowadays, you have dozens of courses offering you the best way to get started with the business. These courses can sometimes be expensive but they’re worth the investment if you do plan on starting your own dropshipping business. 

Today, we’re looking at a training course that’s affordable and easy on the budget if you want to get started. 

This is Netsphere.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with Netsphere in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal what makes this training course great for its price...

Netsphere Review Summary

Product Name:  Netsphere

Founder:  Arie Scherson

Product Type:  Dropshipping Training Course

Price:  $29 per month or $199 per year

Best For:  People who want to get into dropshipping

What Is Netsphere Image Summary

Summary:  Netsphere is an affordable dropshipping training course that we recommend to people who want to get started with the business. It pretty much offers the same content as the expensive counterparts, but you still get what you paid for. You'll find that there are some topics that could've been added to the program. 

Rating: 80/100

Recommended: Yes!

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