Jerry Huang
Jerry Huang

Author Archives: Jerry Huang

Jerry is a young aspiring Internet Entrepreneur who started his online business at the age of 18. He is currently a Full-time Affiliate Marketer at Wealthy Affiliate, a community to help anyone start their own online business without prior experience. He actually achieved Financial Independence at the young age of 21. Read more about his story here!


Wealthy Affiliate Scam Review – 5 Ugly Truths About WA

Let me tell you upfront, I'm a member of Wealthy Affiliate. This Wealthy Affiliate scam review is a post that I want to compile all the complaints and negative sides about WA.

There are so many positive reviews around the Internet ​praising and promoting Wealthy Affiliate. Some are fine because they have balanced review but some are just too one-sided and neglect the fact that everything has two sides, the good and the bad.

Don't get me wrong!

I love Wealthy Affiliate and I highly recommend it to beginners who want to learn how to make money online​, not because I'm an affiliate and a member of WA, but because its training, guidance and support have helped many people to quit their jobs and live the life they want.

Grab Your FREE Proven 4-Step Affiliate Marketing Blueprint if you want to learn how to utilize Wealthy Affiliate as the leverage to make real money online!

Don't waste anymore time. Let me tell you what are the things Wealthy Affiliate can improve on!

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How to Avoid Online Marketing Scams – Top 8 Common Traps

​As online marketing industry continues to grow, there are more and more training, courses and platforms teaching people how to make money online.

However, there are simply too many of them and many people are unable to differentiate the legitimate ones from the scams. This is NOT totally your fault!

I must agree that ​online marketing scams have evolved to the point that experienced marketers are able to develop a very professional and legitimate-looking product to sneakily take advantage of beginners and scam their money. 

It's a lot harder to identify a scam today than in the past.

In this post, I've compiled a list of 8 most common tricks scammers use so that you can be aware of it next time when you encounter it.​

In addition to just revealing the common traps, I've also compiled for you 6 tips to avoid online marketing scams.

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How to Make Money with Art Skills? 7 Ways to Make Full-Time Income

I'm not an artist. I don't have any skills in arts.

But I'm an internet marketer. I can help you turn your art skills into a full-time income online.

Actually, the story goes like this...​

I have a friend who is really good as sketching. I even asked him to help me sketch a photo of me and my girlfriend. (I'll upload the sketching soon.)

Since I'm an internet marketer, I realized that the sketching skills he has can really help him make a huge fortune online in today's world.

That's why I decided to write this post to help all the artists out there to make a good living online. This can also help those who are struggling to pursue their passion and make ends meet at the same time.​

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Comprehensive Super Affiliate System Review From Someone Who Quit

Update May 2018:

This Super Affiliate System review was written more than a year ago. A lot about this program has been updated and it's no longer a scam!

In fact, John has contacted me privately to provide me with more insider information.

So, I've decided to write another more updated review for John's product - Internet Jetset & Super Affiliate System.

Super Affiliate System Review Summary

super affiliate system logo

Product Type:

Affiliate Marketing Training Platform


USD $47/month + $187 upsell

Skill Level Needed:

​Nil. Suitable for Complete Beginners

Income Potential:

​Not Clear. Claims to make 6-7 figure per year.




Super Affiliate System offers a decent course called Internet Jetset to teach beginners on how to get started with affiliate marketing.

However, the rest of the "system", support, tools are all very salesy, scammy and low quality. What I hate the most is that they are making a lot of unrealistic claims to create a huge hype.

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14 Wealthy Affiliate Success Stories – Real Proof that WA Really Works!

​Wealthy Affiliate (WA) is a platform and community which allows ordinary people like YOU and me to learn and build our own affiliate marketing business online. 

​Before joining any platform, many people would definitely want to know about the success stories that platform has so that they can have more confidence to take actions.

This is THAT post!​

​In this post, I want to introduce to you 14 successful WA members and their respective success stories.

If you are researching more about Wealthy Affiliate, this post is to give you some real proof that WA really works.

If you are already a WA member and you have not achieved the results you want, this post is to motivate you and give you some inspiration.

Also, you can expand your network by following and connecting with these successful marketers in Wealthy Affiliate.

Ready for some inspirations?

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How to Grow Twitter Followers Fast [PROVEN] – The Beginner’s Hack

​Unless you are an influencer or celebrity like Hugh Jackman, Lady Gaga, Obama, growing your Twitter followers is not an easy task.

But you are also aware that you can help your business by growing your Twitter followings​ so you don't want to miss this opportunity.

The question in your head right now may be "How to Grow Twitter Followers Fast?" or "How to Get Twitter Followers for Beginners?".​

Don't worry! I can assure you to grow at least 20 to 30 Twitter followers​ per day which equals to minimum 600 to 900 new Twitter followers in the next 30 days after reading my step-by-step guide in this post.

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What is a Passive Income Stream & How Can it be Applied Online?

I'm sure many of you today have heard of the phrase "Passive Income". But do you really understand it?

​And do you know how to make it?

In this post, I'm going to let you fully understand ​the concept of passive income stream through a parable video. After that, I'm going to give you 10 actionable passive income opportunities online.


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Top 7 Reasons on Why You Should Join Wealthy Affiliate

You are here probably because you are looking for money making opportunities online.

Or you've already heard of Wealthy Affiliate (WA) and are researching on whether you should join.

Either case, this post will blow your mind on what WA is capable of. It's so awesome and powerful that you cannot afford to miss.

There are tons of features and tools that WA offers. But I'm just going to list out the 7 most important and exclusive ones that you CANNOT find anywhere else on this planet.​

If you find a platform that has all these exclusive features, shoot me a comment or email to let me know and I'll delete this post and award you USD$1,000. Deal?

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Should I Go University? – Best Advice for You at the Crossroad of Your Life

You are at the crossroad of your life right now, huh? Unsure whether you should go to an University or go find a job or go pursue your dreams?

I know that frustration. Don't worry! I have some really great advice for people like you at this point of life. You know why? Because I was just like you, having the same problem.

You ready?​

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How To Fix SSL Errors – 10 Things To Do After Installing SSL

​This is an extended post from "The Beginner's Complete Guide to SSL Certificate", to help you fix the potential errors you may be facing after installing SSL certificate on your website.

Installing SSL can be a very troublesome process if you don't have the right means and support because SSL certificate itself is a really complicated thing to handle. The worst thing to happen is that it may even break your site if something goes wrong.

But, don't worry! If you've read my Beginner's Guide to SSL, you will have a clear understanding of what it is and how it works. If you've followed the steps in the guide, that's even greater, you will surely have one set up in place right now.

However, installing SSL is not the end, this post will guide you on what to do afterwards.​ There are 10 Steps to take and I'll explain that later on. At the same time, if you encounter any problems, this post can help you sort it out.

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