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The Bucketlist Bombshells Review – A Decent Course For Women!

Welcome to my The Bucketlist Bombshells review!

This course is designed to help women break out of the corporate 9-to-5 routine by helping them build their own online business. Or rather, how to make money online. 

We’re reviewing the course called The Bucketlist Bombshells and we’ll find out if the program can actually help you become an entrepreneur.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with The Bucketlist Bombshells in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal what this course can offer for women...

The Bucketlist Bombshells Review Summary

Product Name:  The Bucketlist Bombshells

Founder:  Cassie and Shay

Product Type:  Women Entrepreneurship Courses

Price:  Priced differently per course

Best For:  Women who want to become entrepreneurs.

The Bucketlist Bombshells Review Image Summary

Summary:  The Bucketlist Bombshells is a collection of courses designed to turn women into entrepreneurs. The program's decent enough for beginners and it's affordable because they're priced independently from one another. You can just enrol in one course and tackle the other ones when you have more money...

Rating: 50/100

Recommended: Yes and no!

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What Is Blog Growth Engine? How To Blog For A Business!

Welcome to my Blog Growth Engine review!

SEO and affiliate marketing training courses are dime-a-dozen, even though they’re priced in the thousands of dollars. The more expensive they are, the better the course quality is. But this is not assumed for every course out there. 

Today, we’re looking at a course that will cost you about two thousand dollars, and we’ll find out if it’s worth investing into or not. 

This is a review on Blog Growth Engine.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with Blog Growth Engine in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal how this course can benefit you and many others...

Blog Growth Engine Review Summary

Product Name:  Blog Growth Engine

Founder:  Adam Enfroy

Product Type:  Affiliate Marketing and Blogging Course

Price:  $1,997 one-time fee

Best For:  People who want to blog as a business

What Is Blog Growth Engine Image Summary

Summary:  Blog Growth Engine is an affiliate marketing and blogging training course that will show you how to create your online business using blogging. This is a comprehensive course so expect the price to be high, but you're getting the most value from the training content provided. 

Rating: 80/100

Recommended: Yes!

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How To Optimize Your Business Website

If you have a website for your business, then you need to optimize it. It means your website should be useful for your visitors, it should have superb traffic, you should be earning from your website, and it should deliver your business website's primary purpose.  

If these manifestations are not evident in your website, then your website needs optimization. To grow your business using a website, you should earn from it. Don't fret if you're still struggling with your website. You can always fix it, and there are many ways to do it. 

The following ways should help you: 

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Promote Your Website Effectively With These 7 Tips

Creating a website is one thing, but giving it out for the world to see is a whole different thing. Compared to promoting your website, creating it is like stealing candy from a baby. By learning how to promote your website, you will be one step closer to monetizing it.

The good thing is, it doesn’t have to cost anything. Of course, there are paid marketing solutions that will probably work faster than the free solutions. But if want to go absolutely free, you definitely can.

Why do I need to promote my website?

You can sell the best service or product in the world. But without a good promotion, nobody will know about it. Your website being online doesn’t mean that people can see it. In fact, it’s most likely that they can’t – Not in a literal sense, of course.

What I mean is that people will have no way of hearing about your website. It’s like searching for Facebook on Google, but it’s on the third page and you’re most likely to click the first few links.

#1: Strengthen your SEO

Learning how to promote your website starts with SEO. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the most powerful tool to effectively promote website for free. It is a free way of getting your website ranked higher on Google, Bing or any other search engine. It’s basically telling the search engine how to display the website in their results.

The downside with this free marketing tool is that because it’s so powerful, everyone uses it. The competition is literally endless. The good thing is, a lot of websites don’t have good SEO. This gives you the upper hand. Good SEO means that you’ll soon outrank those with bad SEO.

Google uses a lot of factors to determine how your website ranks in search results. There are a lot of variables you control that can increase your ranking in search results. The first thing you should start doing is to plan your keywords with a keyword research tool like KWFinder. Other things that will improve your SEO score are optimized headings, image alt text, and others.

Hostgator are obviously doing something right, because their website ranks first for the keyword “hosting”, which is what they’re selling.

#2: Make sure your website is fast & optimized

Google also ranks your website by speed. Even if they don’t, Google’s research shows that bounce rate increases drastically with every second the website takes to load. The need for faster-loading websites grows bigger and bigger. It’s not wrong to say that we need fast websites as much as we need to breathe.

Before you do any website promotion, make sure you purchase great hosting because that can’t be optimized if it’s slow. Then, optimize your website files like CSS and most importantly JS files to load faster and not block any rendering that happens. A good tool you can use to optimize your website is Google PageSpeed Insights. This tool will tell you exactly what is causing your website to load slowly.

If you have a website that uses PHP, you can serve the visitors a cached HTML version of the pages that don’t need to be live updated. There are plugins for WordPress or any other platform that can help you implement this.

#3: Start a blog

Blogging has become a very main-stream hobby. More and more people are getting into blogs every year. Some of these people start blogging with the hope of creating an income source from it.

But money doesn’t have to be the only thing to be accomplished with a blog. Starting a blog also helps you promote your website free. Regularly writing articles on that blog can help you increase your website’s SEO score, ultimately ranking higher in search results.

The unintentional benefit will be that you will start researching your market much more often and you’ll become an expert. By increasing your skills in your market area, you will ultimately reach more people and even sell more if that’s what you’re trying to do.

Guest blog posts

Guest blogging has recently become a very popular marketing tactic. It’s a mutually beneficial way of building a following for both involved parties. It usually involves another person from the same industry writing a post on your blog.

This allows you to attract some of that person’s network to your blog. The guest has the same benefit, there are usually backlinks in the post that lead back to their own website. This allows them to attract some of your audience to their website.

It’s recommended that you become a guest blogger, but also let someone guest post on your blog. This will definitely enlarge your network, and the backlinks definitely help in increasing your SEO score.

#4: Extensively utilize Social Media

Knowing how to promote your website starts with knowing how to utilize social media. Social media can be used for a lot more than contacting your friends from high school. Social Media is the ultimate tool for businesses and just about anyone trying to promote something.

The best way to promote your website on social media might be to just create an account and start interacting with your customers. 80% of consumers use social media to engage with brands, this should be enough for you to start promoting on social media.

But, if that’s not enough, it also costs 6 times more to solve a customer support issue through calls compared to social media. Additionally, buyers that get replies from brands on Twitter might spend more than 20% more when buying their products.

Wendy’s is doing this the right way. They are playing the game and winning at it. They sometimes engage in roast battles that attract a lot of attention.

#5: Do email marketing

Over 59% of professional marketers say that email is their biggest source of ROI. That is because once you invest in gathering email subscribers, they will most likely remain in your subscription list. After that, it’s basically free marketing, sending promotions, products, newsletters, you name it.

A nicely written newsletter can bring you a ton of visits or even sales. The most important thing to consider is writing the newsletter in a tone that will press the user into clicking the link or button. If you practice this enough, you’ll get to a point where your email marketing brings you a lot of visits and even sales.

There are plenty of services that will help you with website promotion through email marketing. There are plenty for free until a certain number of subscribers. The best thing is, you don’t even need them. Depending on your hosting, you might be able to utilize WordPress plugin like “Newsletter” to do this.

#6: Post quality content

The best way to promote website free is to post quality content. Think about it. You get up in the morning and most likely open twitter and read what the people you’re following have posted. If some of them post a huge quantity of content, to the point that it harms their quality, you unfollow them.

You need to keep this in mind when posting. There’s no need to extensively post content. If you try to post three 1000 word blog posts in a day, you will most likely have no free time and even degrade your quality.

Quality is what brings people back to your blog. Quality is what makes people click the “Subscribe” button after writing their email in the box. It’s quality that will boost your blog, not quantity.

The best thing to do is to find the sweet spot between quality and quantity, that will bring in the most visitors and have a high retention rate.

#7: Paid advertising

If you want to learn how to advertise your website, look no further than Facebook and Google. They’re the two main services to do your paid advertising with. Facebook is a little cheaper and will reach a lot more people. But Google will ultimately provide it to people who are looking for it.

Advertising on Facebook is like begging people to buy, they’re not necessarily looking for a new alarm clock, but an alarm clock ad appears anyway. A very small percentage will click on it, and an even smaller percentage will purchase.

Google, on the other hand, shows ads to people that are searching for them. It’s similar to how the search engine works. The Ad is latched to some keywords and it will appear at the top of the search results for those keywords.


The best way to learn how to promote your website is to keep trying. Take these tips into account, because they are definitely going to make your website promotion easier.

By far, the most important thing promote website free is SEO, there’s no tool that is more powerful for website promotion. Mastering SEO will enable you to rank high on Google, and that ultimately will bring in more visitors and increase retention.

Don’t forget that Google also ranks the website based on speed, optimization, design, ease of use and many more factors. The best way to make sure your website is fast is to purchase great hosting. You can fix the broken code. But you can’t fix slow web hosting, migrating can become hard if your website has a lot of data on it.

Remember that paid advertising services don’t always bring a lot of visitors. Even if they do, the visitors aren’t going to come back if your content isn’t of high quality. Make sure to focus on quality, that way you’ll increase your viewer retention and many more people will click the “Subscribe” button.


How I Got a Great Link from using HARO, and How You Can Too!

What is HARO and Why You Must Use It?

HARO (Help a Reporter Out) is a service that connects journalists looking for quotes with people who can give them the quotes they need.

And if you're a struggling, new site fighting against the SERP giants, with their roots firmly implanted in the ground- you need to be creative. In other words- you need to be using HARO to get you some awesome authority links.

Because, besides content (hint: Wealthy Affiliate can teach you how to create awesome content- click here for more: you also need links to rank.

And in this article I want to show you how I scored an awesome link from Fit Small Business, (one of the strongest sites online) and how you can do the same, or better.

Let’s go!

How to Sign Up for HARO?


Before we start with the article proper, here's the link I was telling you about. It's on Fit Small Business, a site completely relevant to mine, and a very powerful domain.

In fact, I distinctly remember that right after I got that link, overnight I started ranking for 50+ keywords in the first 100 results of Google, (as per Ahrefs).

Now on with the article!

The sign up process is a cinch, you can do it in 5m or less.

And here's how exactly:

Step #1- Go here:

Step #2-  Click "I'm a source" button.

source HARO

Step #3-  Scroll a bit and click on a "subscribe now" button

subscribe HARO

Step #4- Sign up for Basic, free version of HARO (note: below I give a breakdown what's included in paid HARO accounts)

free HARO account

Step #5- Fill in the details and click "sign up"

That is it! Simple, isn't it?

How HARO Works?

Every work day (Monday through Friday) you'll get three emails in your inbox.

They’ll arrive on:

  • 5:35 a.m.,
  • 12:35 p.m.
  • and 5:35 p.m. ET

Now, since you'll be having a free account, you can't opt for only getting emails about certain keywords (that's a paid feature); but you can get emails based on your site’s niche.

For example I get emails on Business section, and of course Master HARO, which is everything else.

Should You Go With Pro HARO, instead of Free Account?

HARO account plans

That is your decision to make.

However, if you're a beginner and don't have a lot of money, I advise against it.

Heck, I still have a free account but I already got 10+  links, and with very sporadic use of HARO. Your paid profile will not help you get links- but your helpful and thorough answers will.

However, there's definite value in paid accounts for sure, and I myself am thinking of upgrading soon.

Here's the breakdown of three types of paid HARO accounts.

a) Standard ($19 per month)

The Standard plan comes with everything included in the basic plan.

However, you also get keyword alerts. This is great because you will get alerted of request that are highly relevant to you (based on the keyword you chose).

For example, I might choose "SEO" and that means that I would get alerts whenever there's a quote request with a word "SEO" in it.

It's a time saver for sure, because I don't have to plow through endless irrelevant emails.

Note: With a standard plan you can also create a profile with your bio, that you can then automatically insert into your pitches.

For example, here's how David McSweeny of Ahrefs has his.

HARO bio

And you can also respond to HARO pitches directly from HARO interface, which is neat.

b) Advanced ($49 per month)

Advanced HARO has everything Standard plan has, but you can choose 3 keywords to get alerts for, and you can also set up 3 profiles to inset into your pitches.

I like the Advanced plan because it also gives you a head start against your competition. Namely, when you sign up they will send you an SMS alert before they send the standard emails (however- this only works if you live in the USA).

This gives you a few extra hours to craft the best pitch and be one of the first to respond.

And it pays to be the first!

c) Premium ($149 per month)

Premiums gives everything Pro does, plus you can set up unlimited profiles and keyword alerts. This plans is the best- but also mighty expensive.

HARO Etiquette: The DOs & DON'Ts
(How to send pitches that get accepted)

Not all pitches are created equal; and most are just horrible dribble.

Here are some tips to make yours stand out.

#1- Follow the Guidelines Closely

Each journalist is going to tell you what to write about, and HOW to write about it.

For example they might want you to list 10 things about X. So, send them a list of 10 items, NOT a paragraph.

Or they might need a paragraph response on Y. So send them a paragraph and NOT a list.

Get it?

You have to follow the rules closely, or you will not get featured, simple as that.

Here's a pitch I responded to a few days ago.

HARO request

And here's my response.

The post has not been published yet, but I followed the instructions and we'll see if my contribution gets accepted.

#2- Be concise

Short and sweet works best for most pitches.

That’s because most of these quote requests ask specific questions and to a large group of people . So you have to be concise or you will miss your chance simply because your answer was too thorough.


if it's really impossible to be brief with what they ask you, then go all out.

If the journalist likes your reply, they will extract a quote or two and make it a part of their content piece.

In fact, my initial pitch to Fit Small Business link was 300 words through, but Anna Dizon, (the author) extracted 70 words or so that she liked.

But I still got my link, which is what I like:)

#3- Have a bio

Write a bio with some basic data and links about you. Then save it and just use it over and over.

Here's How NOT To Approach HARO?

HARO have some tight rules about user behaviour that you better follow to a tee. Or risk being permanently banned.

Here are the things they frown upon.

a) DO NOT spam journalists with pitches unrelated to their request.

For example, let's say you have a site about coffee and they require your input on best ways to keep your pet dog healthy.

Well you're certainly not going to send them "reasons why coffee is bad for your dog" It's not asked for and it is a clear violation. It's spam.

b) DO NOT try to figure out who the journalists are (they often hide their names).

Even if they don't conceal their name, it's a violation to contact them outside HARO. If you do, and they report you’ll be banned from HARO.

c) DO NOT attach files to email

It's forbidden.

Instead, use DropBox or Google Drive to host files they need.

d) DO NOT be overly self promotional

What I mean is, let's say you give a good reply and at the end you write,

"Hey name,

I'm also an expert on X, Y, Z, if you need some input about these, I'll always be there to help.


While you think you're being courteous, you're actually breaking the HARO rules.

So just don't do it.

Be professional.

PRO Trips To Maximize Your Chances

a) Have a decent looking site

I don't mean custom-designed, or even with a paid theme.

No, that's not necessary.

But you do need to have a site that:

  • is clean (looks elegant and has lots of white space)
  • has content front and center
  • is fast
  • is responsive on all devices

Hey, that's mine I just described:)

Take a look:


b) Have some content

You definitely don't have to have hundreds of articles written, but you do need to have a good sample of ten or so; so the journalist can see when they visit your site that you're  a serious blogger, and someone qualified to give advice on X.

Because they don’t link to thin spammy, low quality sites

For example, I only have 9 articles on my site, but that hasn't prevented me from grabbing 10+ links from HARO already.

It has helped me a lot.

3. Make “soft” connections with journalists

Soft meaning your not going to send them emails outside HARO, because that is strictly forbidden. But you are going to follow reporters on Twitter. Most of them have very active accounts, and by:

  • following them,

  • connecting with them in a genuine way,

  • sharing their stuff,

  • Supporting them

You will eventually get on their radar.

So next time they have to choose someone for their article, they won't-  they'll simply pick you.

Because they "know" you already. 

It makes their life so much easier.


The true power of HARO lies not in getting tonnes and tonnes of links; no, it's biggest benefit is getting links your competitors would be hard pressed to replicate.

So, each link you score helps you build an authority moat around your site and brand. And sooner or later, your competition will wake up to see that you've advanced so far that they can only trace you footsteps in the SERP sand, and those too are disappearing oh so fast.

And you? Oh, you'll be blogging from some sandy beach somewhere:)

But enough with reading this article. Now you know so… Get to work and get it done!

But first- leave me a comment below.

Thank you 🙂


2018 REVIEW: Best Year of My Life and Here’s Why…

Important links from the video:

Here are my 4 main achievements I had in 2018:

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Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday 2019: Investing Just $0.82/DAY!

The Best Investment You Could Ever Make For Your Own Financial Future In 2019 & Beyond!

Already made your decision? Claim your Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Deal HERE!

When we talk about "investment", what's the first thing that comes to your mind?

Stocks? Bonds? Mutual funds? Real Estates? Or even BitCoin/Crypto?

There's ONE common problem to all the traditional ways of "investing", especially if you're trying to invest for financial freedom and for retirement.

And the problem is that...

You don't have full control. Prices will always be affected by the current market condition.

For example, the US stock market lost nearly $2 trillion dollar in October 2018 alone:

stock market crash 2018

According to CNBC

For those of you who are experienced in this field and had success with any of these investments, you might be thinking...

Alright, this guy doesn't know what he's talking about. He's probably just another salesman trying to pitch me some crazy  or scammy investment ideas.

Whatever you have in mind right now, put it aside first just for a second and hear me on this...

I'm not saying you can't make money with any of those investment strategies.

I believe if you have the right knowledge, mindset and skillset, anyone has the ability to make a fortune at the right timing, even during a bear market or a market crash.

Just that every method has its own pros & cons, right?

So, I'm not criticizing anything but I just want to take this opportunity to share with you what I think is one of the best investments you can make right now in 2018 so that you potentially have some major breakthroughs in the upcoming 2019.

And this thing is called Wealthy Affiliate!

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Jumpcut Academy Review: Is It Worth The Money?

Welcome to my Jumpcut Academy review!

Chances are, you want to make money online as a YouTuber creating videos. That’s probably how you came across this program called Jumpcut Academy.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with Jumpcut Academy in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal what Jumpcut Academy is all about and why people have a lot of things to say about this training course. 

Read on more about my Jumpcut Academy Review and see if it's worth the money...

Jumpcut Academy Review Summary

Product Name:  Jumpcut Academy

Founder:  Jesse and Kong from Simple Pickup

Product Type:  YouTube content creation training course

Price:  $997 - one-time membership fee  or $197 / month for six months

Best For:  People with an enthusiasm and passion for making video content and those who want to earn money through their video content.

The teaching team

Summary:  Jumpcut Academy is a training course designed for people who want to start their own YouTube channel and earn money through that channel. The course  is designed to help people start from scratch and provide them with a solid foundation of creating video content and its nuances. However, the price is relatively more expensive compared to other training courses and programs.   On top of their membership fee, there's a waiting list because enrollment is only limited within a set period of time, so it can be difficult to get into. 

Rating:  90/100

Recommended:  Yes

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How to Check Keyword Competition in Google?

This is a guest post by Nikola Roza from

Have you ever found a great keyword with a huge search volume and low competition?

It was there for you to take it, use it, profit from it.

You tried and…

Don’t bother telling.

I know you found one. I know you tried to rank for it. And I know you failed despite you gave it your all.

Why didn’t you rank for that low hanging fruit keyword? Do you know?

Before deciding to go after that keyword, did you try to check your competition is Google?

I am assuming you haven’t. Maybe you didn’t even know it could be done?

In that case, stick around, because this post will tell you everything you must know about researching for your keyword competition and how to outrank your competitors. 

Soon you’ll be in front of that dreaded competitors of yours.

Because I can assure you, most of them don’t know what I’m about to show you.

Let’s get started...

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Affiliate Marketing Mastery Review (Don’t Waste $1,997!)

Welcome to my Affiliate Marketing Mastery review!

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Stefan James claimed to help you build a 7-figure affiliate marketing business from scratch through his Affiliate Marketing Mastery course.

Is it really possible? Is this course worth it?

Here's the truth...

Affiliate Marketing Mastery Review Summary

Product Name: Affiliate Marketing Mastery

Founder: Stefan James Pylarinos

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Course

Price: $1,997 or 3 payments of $767

Best For: Beginners who want to get started with affiliate marketing

affiliate marketing mastery review

Summary: Yes, Affiliate Marketing Mastery is a legit course. In fact, it's not just legit but full of great values and tons of training to help anyone get started with affiliate marketing the right way. However, the major downsides is that it's just a course without actual tools yet it is charging a whopping $1,997. So, I would say it is a great but overpriced course.

Rating: 85/100

Recommended: Yes, but not worth the price!

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