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Category Archives for "Network Marketing"

My 20 Dollar Travel Business Review – A Rebranded Recruitment Scheme!

Welcome to my My 20 Dollar Travel Business review!

Some Ponzi schemes can be stubborn. They’ll take the fall, rest for a few weeks, and then rebrand into something different.

The reason why they’re stubborn can be attributed to the stubbornness of their members as well. These members believe that the company has done nothing wrong and has only had nothing but hate reviews done on them.

Even when presented with evidence, members are still in denial.

But not all Ponzi schemes are officially branded as such. Some can get shut down before they even get the SEC, FTC, or any government agency to go after them.

If you’re someone looking for a way to make money, you need to know the signs of what makes a Ponzi scheme.

Today, we’re looking at a company that was supposedly called a Ponzi scheme but eventually just scrapped and rebranded.

This is My 20 Dollar Travel Business.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with My 20 Dollar Travel Business in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal what this recruitment scheme is all about...

My 20 Dollar Travel Business Review Summary

Product Name:  My 20 Dollar Travel Business

Founder:  Steve Gresham

Product Type:  Recruitment-Based Scheme

Price:  Various Monthly Fees

Best For:  No one

My 20 Million Dollar Travel Business Review Image Summary

Summary:  My 20 Dollar Travel Business is a MLM company that runs a recruitment-based scheme, with a pseudo-compliance in the form of a travel platform. However, it's a rebranded version of two other older recruitment schemes made by the same owner. There's no income to be made here because it's an obvious Ponzi scheme.

Rating: 1/100

Recommended: No!

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Million Money Review – A Nasty Cash-Gifting MLM Scheme!

Welcome to my Million Money review!

Cash-gifting schemes are one of the most popular disguises that Ponzi and pyramid schemes often use to get people into their program.

After all, it’s gifting cash to someone, so there’s no harm in it, right?

Well, the business model is downright faulty and does not even guarantee any income at the lowest levels. No one’s making any money except for the people at the very top. I am talking about 5 to 20 people making money off of a hundred members.

Today, we’re reviewing a cash-gifting MLM company that uses cryptocurrency as its main reward. This is Million Money.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with Million Money in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal what this scheme is about...

Million Money Review Summary

Product Name:  Million Money

Founder:  Not disclosed

Product Type:  Cash-Gifting Scheme MLM

Price:  0.03 ETH minimum + other purchases for positions!

Best For:  NO ONE!

Million Money Review Image Summary

Summary:  Million Money is a cash-gifting MLM scheme that promises a lot of income, but it's not what it looks like. It's literally a Ponzi scheme and it's got several red flags that we uncovered. 

Rating: 1/100

Recommended: NO!

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What Is VeloVita? It’s A Brain-Boosting MLM Company, But…

Welcome to my VeloVita review!

The health and wellness niche in the MLM industry is booming, and more and more companies are making their way to the top. Of course these can never beat the giants such as Herbalife and Usana, but they still want to be at par with them.

Some of these newer companies try their best to be unique and special, but they end up disappointing a lot of people. Some of them claim of revolutionary products with revolutionary ingredients backed by science, but when you ask them for proof, they just tell you to “trust” in the product.

Today, we’re reviewing VeloVita, and we’re going to find out if they’re good or not.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with VeloVita in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal what this company is not telling you...

VeloVita Review Summary

Product Name:  VeloVita

Founder:  Kosta Gara and Jeff Mack

Product Type:  Health and Wellness MLM

Price:  $49.99 monthly fee + various starter sets

Best For:  NO ONE!

What Is VeloVita Image Summary

Summary:  VeloVita is a MLM or multi-level marketing company that markets only one product, which is its downside. The income potential is quite low and there's no proof that a lot of money can be made here. 

Rating: 30/100

Recommended: No!

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Is 5LINX a Scam? This Company Is Long Gone, But…

Welcome to my 5LINX review!

It’s not uncommon for MLM companies to be built around services that we avail of on a daily basis. We’ve reviewed companies who offered travel services, electricity and internet services, and even those who offer financial assistance (credit scores, investments, etc.).

However, they’re difficult to market and they aren’t very lucrative. One good example of such a MLM company is 5LINX, which we’ll review in the article below…

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with 5LINX in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal what this company is all about, or what it used to be...

5LINX Review Summary

Product Name:  5LINX

Founder:  Craig Jerabek, Jeb Tyler, Jason Guck

Product Type:  Services-Related MLM

Price:  $249 sign-up fee plus various costs

Best For:  NO ONE!

Is 5LINX a Scam Image Summary

Summary:  5LINX is a MLM or multi-level marketing company that offers various business and personal services. However, this company isn't as legitimate as you may think. Their owners were sent to jail not too long ago for criminal activities. They also don't have a lot going on with their program, so it's difficult to market

Rating: 10/100

Recommended: No!

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Is Neora a Scam? Check Out This Rebranded MLM Company!

Welcome to my Neora review!

It’s normal for MLM companies to rebrand. Maybe their older iteration just wasn’t as successful, or maybe the owners broke up. Either way, MLM companies are usually just a new version of something that was outdated or changed.

This one is a newer version of an old MLM company that was in the heat of being outed for being a pyramid scheme. We also reviewed the older iteration and we didn’t find anything wrong with it.

Today, we’re reviewing Neora and we’re going to find out if there’s something new to offer from this company.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with Neora in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal what this new company is all about...

Neora Review Summary

Product Name:  Neora 

Founder:  Jeff Olson

Product Type:  Health And Wellness MLM

Price:  $200 monthly autoship + various starter sets

Best For: NO ONE! 

Neora Review Image Summary

Summary:  Neora is a MLM or multi-level marketing company that markets health and wellness products, specifically skin-care and anti-aging products. But make no mistake. There's not enough income to make from here, and they show this in their income disclosure statement. The products are also expensive, and that's why it's difficult to sell these products compared to other brands. 

Rating: 50/100

Recommended: No!

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What Is Arego Life? It’s A Brand New MLM Company!

Welcome to my Arego Life review!

In the MLM industry, there are a handful of popular niches. One of them happens to be health and wellness. We even recognize some of them to be very decent in terms of providing income opportunity.

This company’s relatively new in the MLM industry, and we’re going to find out if it has potential.

This is Arego Life.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with Arego Life in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal what this new MLM company is all about...

Arego Life Review Summary

Product Name:  Arego Life

Founder:  Don Coplin, Jim Douville, and Adam Baadsgaard

Product Type: Health and Wellness MLM 

Price:  $49.95 membership fee + starter set

Best For:  NO ONE

What Is Arego Life Image Summary

Summary:  Arego Life is a MLM company that belongs under the health and wellness niche. It's a new company, but it's income potential isn't that great. In fact, you only sell one product. That's quite disappointing comparing that to the likes of other giant MLM companies. 

Rating: 50/100

Recommended: No!

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What Is Elysium Network? It’s Definitely Not Something Legit!

Welcome to my Elysium Network review!

The MLM industry is riddled with pyramid schemes and Ponzi schemes. Majority of them under the guise of legitimate financial investment schemes that promise ROI’s by the thousands.

Granted, you can make thousands of dollars in investments, but not in the way that these MLM companies market. Some are even promise you that you could make a ton of money just by doing nothing.

Today, we’re looking at a company that’s made lots of promises and we’ll see if they hold their end of the bargain.

This is Elysium Network.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with Elysium Network in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal what this program is suspiciously all about...

Elysium Network Review Summary

Product Name:  Elysium Network

Founder:  Fred Pascal Stege

Product Type:  Investment MLM

Price:  $650 USD for membership + $60 USD for monthly sub

Best For:  NO ONE!

What Is Elysium Network Image Summary

Summary:  Elysium Network is a MLM company that markets an investment scheme. Unfortunately, it's got the makings of a pyramid scheme. Yes, the owner has had extensive background and experience in MLM but decided to do the one illegal thing about the industry. You'll see their recruitment incentives and see why we think they're a pyramid scheme.

Rating: 1/100

Recommended: No!

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What Is YouXWallet? This Scam Takes Your Wallet!

Welcome to my YouXWallet review!

Do you want to know why cryptocurrency has this huge stigma behind it? It’s because it’s used by pyramid schemes and Ponzi schemes as a way to lure people into the program.

When the cryptocurrencies boomed a couple of years ago, people wanted to get into it as early as they could, hoping to turn a huge profit from their investments.

Sadly, these people are lured into programs that promise 1000000% ROI on their investments along with overly-hyped up claims of passive income.

Combine that with an industry that’s relatively unknown, you have the perfect recipe to create a Ponzi scheme.

Today, we’re taking a look at a company called YouXWallet, a company that took advantage of this opportunity.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with YouXWallet in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal what this scam is all about...

YouXWallet Review Summary

Product Name:  YouXWallet

Founder:  Not disclosed

Product Type:  Cryptocurrency MLM Scheme

Price:  $10 membership + Various Investment Tiers

Best For: NO ONE! 

What Is YouXWallet Image Summary

Summary:  YouXWallet is a cryptocurrency MLM program that doesn't try so hard to not look like a Ponzi scheme. In fact, it has all the makings of one. There's a lot of red flags we found, from the unknown owner to the recruitment incentives. Stay away from this program! 

Rating: 1/100

Recommended: No!

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What Is Wellness Biosciences RX? It’s a CBD MLM Company!

Welcome to my Wellness Biosciences RX review!

Hemp-based and CBD products are all the rage these days. Not because they come from Cannabis, but they are known to have powerful healing and therapeutic benefits. A quick research on Google will reveal the numerous studies done on these compounds that prove how they effective they are at treating and relieving certain illnesses.

This is why MLM companies were quick to add these products to their offerings. It’s relatively new and it’s effective. However, this doesn’t mean that all CBD and Hemp-based products are effective right off the bat. Not all of them are made equal.

Today, we’re going to review a company called Wellness Biosciences RX.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with Wellness Biosciences RX in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal what this CBD company is all about...

Wellness Biosciences RX Review Summary

Product Name:  Wellness Biosciences RX

Founder:  Sean M Baker and Barry Cocheu

Product Type:  CBD Health and Wellness MLM

Price:  $49.99 membership fee plus various starter sets

Best For:  No one

What Is Wellness Biosciences Rx Image Summary

Summary:  Wellness Biosciences RX is a MLM company that markets CBD-infused health and wellness supplements. They're backed by two industry experts and seasoned entrepreneurs, but that's the only impressive thing about the program. We have no proof that any one from company is making any money. There's no income disclosure statement. On top of that, they have expensive retail pricing.

Rating: 50/100

Recommended:  No!

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What Is Lifocity? A Look At This CBD MLM Company!

Welcome to my Lifocity review!

CBD products are all the rage these days. It’s a healthy alternative to your OTC medicines and is noted to have a lot of health benefits. Research on these products continue to grow, and more and more countries are starting to legalize the use of these products.

That’s why we see all of these MLM companies marketing health and wellness supplements tackling these products, or creating companies out of selling them.

Today, we’re taking a look at Lifocity.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with Lifocity in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal what this company is all about...

Lifocity Review Summary

Product Name:  Lifocity

Founder:  Doug and Sheila Braun

Product Type:  CBD Supplements MLM

Price:  $30 Annual Membership + Various Starter Sets

Best For: No one 

What Is Lifocity Image Summary

Summary: Lifocity is a MLM company that markets CBD-based products and nutritional supplements. It's relatively new, but its income potential leaves a lot to be desired. You're marketing in a saturated niche where people can easily buy cheaper, and maybe better, alternatives on Amazon. Plus there's the stigma of the use of Cannabis-related products, so it's difficult to persuade people about its medicinal benefits. 

Rating: 50/100

Recommended: No!

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