Jerry Huang
Jerry Huang

Author Archives: Jerry Huang

Jerry is a young aspiring Internet Entrepreneur who started his online business at the age of 18. He is currently a Full-time Affiliate Marketer at Wealthy Affiliate, a community to help anyone start their own online business without prior experience. He actually achieved Financial Independence at the young age of 21. Read more about his story here!


CB Passive Income 4.0 Review: Patric really does Everything for you?

Patric Chan, the founder of CB Passive Income, claims that if you purchase his program, he will do ALL THE WORK for you to help you make money.

The only thing you need to do is to give away his prepared products for FREE!

What?!! Are you even kidding Patric? That really sounds like an outright scam, isn't it?

But at the same time, Patric is a renowned best-selling author and international speaker. That's pretty weird.

Guess what, this CB Passive Income review will provide with you all the necessary information you need to make your decision...

CB Passive Income 4.0 Review Summary

Product Name: CB Passive Income License Program 4.0 (Click here to join)

Founder: Founded by Patric Chan in August 2013 (version 1.0)

Product Type: Email Marketing Tools & Training

Price: $47/month or $97 (one-time fee) + $37.80 upsell

Best For: Patric & More experienced marketers

cb passive income 4.0 review

Summary: CB Passive Income is a program aims at helping you to make money via Email Marketing & Affiliate Marketing. However, the whole program has lots of restrictions which I'll explain in this review. It's also over-hyped and doesn't deliver the promises.

Rating: 47/100

Recommended: No

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Is Inbox Blueprint a Scam? It’s the Best Email Marketing Course but…

Anik Singal, the founder of Inbox Blueprint, claims that you're able to make $5,000 within the first 60 days. If not, he'll work with you personally and help you find out what's wrong with your business.

Let's see if Inbox Blueprint will really live up to the expectation or is it just another marketing scam?

Inbox Blueprint 2.0 Review Summary

Product Name: Inbox Blueprint (Click here to join)

Founder: Anik Singal

Product Type: Email Marketing Course

Price: $997 or 3 payments of $397

Best For: More Experienced Marketer

is inbox blueprint a scam

Summary: Inbox Blueprint is a great Email Marketing course to help people make money online by building a profitable list. But the course is not cheap and it's not very suitable for beginners who have no experience in making money online.

Rating: 90/100

Recommended: Yes, for more experienced marketers

If you're a beginner in online marketing and don't really know much about Making Money Online, I recommend you to start with My Top Recommended Course for Beginners! You don't have to pay that much amount of money. In fact, you can get started for FREE. No credit card info needed 🙂

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Solo Build It Review: How does it compare to Wealthy Affiliate?

Solo Build It claims themselves to be the ONLY all-in-one platform for solopreneurs to build their profitable online business.

This is a pretty bold statement given that there are so many awesome platforms, services and communities online.

So, in this Solo Build It review, I'm going to show you whether SBI is really the ONLY all-in-one platform or it's just a scam.


Let's be honest, if you've tried doing some research for SBI, it's hard to make a decision, isn't it?

I can categorize all the SBI reviews online into 3 categories:

  1. People who have achieved success with SBI and highly recommend it
  2. People who struggled with SBI and hate it
  3. Affiliates trying to promote SBI & make money

So basically, the attitude towards SBI is pretty distinct. People either love it, hate it or just want to make money by promoting it.

For me, I'm just trying to give it an unbiased review and help you make the best decision for yourself by laying out all the facts for you...

You don't have to trust or believe my words. Just go through the review and listen to your own heart 🙂

Solo Build It Review Summary

Product Name: Solo Build It (used to be "Site Build It")

Founder: Founded by Ken Evoy in 1997

Product Type: Online Marketing Training Platform

Price: $29.99/month or $299/year

Best For: Anyone interested to build their own website & make money online

solo build it review

Summary: Solo Build It is a comprehensive platform to help people build their own online business and make a passive income from it. They have pretty good tools and training but the platform itself can be very restricting. I'll explain why in this review.

Rating: 75/100

Recommended: Legit but not my top recommedation

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Is Springboard America Legit? (Good Luck America!)

Springboard America claims that YOUR opinion has the power to change your life and America's future. 

Well, that's a really bold statement. But first let's take a look at whether Springboard America is a legit make money online opportunity...

Springboard America Review Summary

Product Name: Springboard America

Founder: Launched in 2009 by Vision Critical (now Maru/Matchbox)

Product Type: Online Paid Survey

Price: Free

Best For: Americans who wants to make some extra cash

springboard america review

Summary: Springboard America is a legit survey panel for Americans. But the extremely low earning potential is just like many other survey panels. It's just wasting your time with such paid survey sites.

Rating: 40/100

Recommended: No

Warning: Springboard America is only available for Americans who are actually residing in the State. If you're not an American living in the State, head over through the link below to find out My Favorite way to Make Money Online regardless of where you are...

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Is Talk Fusion a Scam? (Not really, but there’s a Big RED Flag!)

Has somebody just shared with you this money making opportunity called Talk Fusion? Or did you heard about Talk Fusion from somewhere else and you're wondering if it is legit or a scam?

Welcome to my Talk Fusion review!

You've definitely come to the right place because you'll find all the necessary information for you to make a decision and learn about the best way to make money...

Talk Fusion Review Summary

Product Name: Talk Fusion

Founder: Founded by Bob Reina in 2007

Product Type: Video Marketing MLM

Price: $30 + Up to $1,500 + Monthly Fees

Best For: Experienced Network Marketer, Top Earners and the Founder

talk fusion review

Summary: Talk Fusion is a company which aims to revolutionize Video Marketing & Video Communication via their unique products. They have pretty good products but they are selling them using the MLM business model. The worst part is that I found out their business model is like a Pyramid Scheme in disguise.

Rating: 30/100

Recommended: No

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What can I Do if I Don’t Want to Go to College? (You’ll Thank me later!)

I don't want to go to College...

I want to dropout from College...

What can I do?

Here are probably the reasons why you landed here on my post. What I can promise you is that I'll give you the answers to most of the common questions regarding College education and help you make your best possible decision after reading this post.

Not only that, I'll provide you with the actual opportunity for you to live life on your own terms without any College degree!

However, what I request from you is to put away your "electronic distractions" and go through this post in full.

Because you're about to make a very important decision in your life. I'm sure you shouldn't take it lightly, right?

In fact, what I'm about to share with you will never be taught in schools and most people will never have the opportunity to learn this information for their entire life. I'm not exaggerating.

(Warning: The things that are being discussed in this post may not make sense to you at the start because it requires a "Paradigm Shift". But I urge you to keep an open-mind to absorb the information.)

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Is American Consumer Opinion a Scam? (It’s NOT just for Americans)

Welcome to my American Consumer Opinion review!

I've signed up with the platform and gave it a test-drive. If you're still wondering "Is American Consumer Opinion a scam?", this review will give you all the answers you need.

I promise!

American Consumer Opinion Review Summary

Product Name: American Consumer Opinion

Founder: Founded by Decision Analyst, Inc., in 1986

Product Type: Online Paid Surveys

Price: FREE

Best For: Anyone who wants to make some extra cash online

american consumer opinion logo

Summary: American Consumer Opinion is a highly rated paid survey panel that's available worldwide. There are quite a number of benefits of ACOP which make it a legitimate site. However, the most crucial problem is that it has very few survey opportunities and the earning potential is too small.

Rating: 70/100

Recommended: Legitimate but NOT Recommended (I'll explain)

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My 10K Model Review: Is it possible to earn $3K PER DAY?

Michael Mansell claims that if you join My 10K Model, you can be making $1,000 to $3,000 PER DAY on a fully automated passive income.

Whilst generating 1K to 3K per day is not impossible in today's digital world, let's dive into My 10K Model review to see if it's really possible to make that money with Michael...

My 10K Model Review Summary

Product Name: My 10K Model

Founder: Michael Mansell

Product Type: Training/Sales Funnel for a Ponzi Scheme

Price: $25 - $1,000

Best For: The owner

my 10k model review

Summary: My 10K Model is not a program itself. It's just a sales funnel trying to promote a Ponzi scheme called Easy 1 Up. However, My 10K Model does offer some legit training and tools to help you make money with Easy 1 Up. The reason I don't recommend My 10K Model is because Easy 1 Up is not a legitimate and sustainable business.

Rating: 40/100

Recommended: No

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Step-by-Step Affiliate Marketing for Beginners 2019 (and beyond)

I could still vividly remember the excitement when I made my first affiliate commission while I was asleep.

I jumped out of my bed when I saw my first ever commission from Amazon in that morning after working tirelessly for months.

But guess what?! It's just a $3 Amazon Bounty commission...

first amazon commission

My first affiliate commission from Amazon!

If you've made your first dollar online, you'll know the feeling I'm talking about. The feeling of excitement is beyond description and it doesn't matter what's the amount.

You'll start to tell yourself that "This thing works!!"

And not only that, you'll gain a whole lot of confidence and motivation moving forward.

Fast forward today, I'm now making a 4-figure monthly passive income at just 21 years old without any College degree or working experience...

affiliate commissions oct 2018

My October 2018 Commission thanks to Wealthy Affiliate!

Don't worry if you haven't made any money online, regardless you have yet to get started with affiliate marketing or you're struggling at some point.

Because in this post, I'm going to give you a step-by-step guide to succeed in affiliate marketing for beginners. This piece of information is applicable to YOU in 2019 and beyond.

My promise to you is that you'll be walking away with your own fully-functional website which is ready to make money after reading this post in full.

However, that is guaranteed ONLY IF you follow closely and TAKE ACTION of what I said in this guide.


So, for the sake of people who've not heard of Affiliate Marketing before, let me get started by explaining to you the basics of Affiliate Marketing...

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Is Click 4 Surveys Legit? (Fake website, fake testimonials…)

Does making $75 per survey sparks your interest?

Well, Click 4 Surveys claim that you can make up to $75 per survey with them.

I bet it excites some of you. But the first thing that comes to your mind, just like me, is whether Click 4 Surveys is legit.

Let me tell you upfront that Click 4 Surveys is a scam. In this review, I'm going to reveal to you 9 ugly truths behind this scam that you need to watch out for!

Click 4 Surveys Review Summary

Product Name: Click 4 Surveys (Click here to join)

Founder: Daniel Cooper??

Product Type: Paid Survey Intermediary

Price: $34 + Upsells

Best For: The Owner

click 4 surveys review

Summary: Click 4 Surveys is a paid survey intermediary that requires you to pay to take surveys. They are using a lot of unethical methods to make money for their own so I conclude that it is a scam.

Rating: 5/100

Recommended: No

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