Jerry Huang
Jerry Huang

Author Archives: Jerry Huang

Jerry is a young aspiring Internet Entrepreneur who started his online business at the age of 18. He is currently a Full-time Affiliate Marketer at Wealthy Affiliate, a community to help anyone start their own online business without prior experience. He actually achieved Financial Independence at the young age of 21. Read more about his story here!


The Auto Profit System Review: Convert “Freebie Seekers” into Buyers

Do you believe that you can generate thousands of profits every week without any hosting, Facebook Ads, Social Media, Funnels and budget?

Apparently, that's what The Auto Profit System (APS) wants you to believe in.

So, let me unfold the truth  for you in this Auto Profit System review...


If you've done some research online for APS, you've probably come across many APS reviews that are just trying very hard to promote this product.

I'm not one of them. I'm writing this review based on my honest opinion, research and experience on this product.

The Auto Profit System Review Summary

Product Name: The Auto Profit System (Click here to join)

Founders: Founded by Tom Yevsikov, Gaurab Borah & Craig Crawford in DEC 2017

Product Type: Software + Training Course

Price: $67 + $37 + $47 + $67 (All are One-time offer)

Best For: People struggling with list building, Email marketing and affiliate marketing (For people who have some experience)

the auto profit system package

Summary: The Auto Profit System is a pretty good software (+ Video Training) which aims at helping affiliate marketers to increase their conversion rate. They'll teach you how to convert "freebie seekers" into "buying customers". The downside is that there's no step-by-step training to help complete beginners get started in affiliate marketing. It's only for more experienced marketers.

Rating: 85/100

Recommended: Yes (for people who have some experience in online marketing)

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AWOL Academy Review (Are You Sure You Want to Pay $15K for This?)

What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the acronym "AWOL"?

Is it "Absence Without Official Leave"? I guess so.

But AWOL Academy here stands for "Another Way Of Life". This intrigues me and I want to find out whether AWOL Academy is legit or is it just another make money online scam?

So in my honest AWOL Academy review, let me unfold the truth behind this program for you...

AWOL Academy Review Summary

Product Name: AWOL Academy (used to be called "Project AWOL")

Founder: Founded by Kameron George & Keala Kanae in 2015

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Training Platform

Price: $99 + Many Upsells up to $9,997

Best For: The Owners & People who have enough money to invest

awol academy logo

Summary: AWOL Academy is a legit affiliate marketing training platform. But you need to think twice before investing because there are a couple thousand dollar upsells waiting for you.

Rating: 60/100

Recommended: No

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Auto Affiliate Program Review: An UNIQUE Affiliate Marketing Scam

Auto Affiliate Program claims that you'll be able to create your own fully automated and unlimited passive income streams in just 7 minutes!

auto affiliate program unrealistic promise

This is a scam alert for me right away. So in this Auto Affiliate Program review, let me unfold this program for you and see if it's a scam...

Auto Affiliate Program Review Summary

Product Name: Auto Affiliate Program (Click here to join)

Founder: Steven Hall

Product Type: Done-for-You Affiliate Marketing Program

Price: $47/month

Best For: The Owner & More experienced marketer

auto affiliate program logo

Summary: Auto Affiliate Program is an unique affiliate marketing program that aims at making affiliate sales by giving out free eBooks. But this system has a lot of unrealistic hype and flaws which make it very difficult to make any money from it, especially for beginners.

Rating: 35/100

Recommended: No

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Affiliate Blogger Pro Review: Superb Affiliate Training of the Past

Affiliate Blogger Pro is the brainchild of super affiliate Rosalind Gardner. It used to be a very viral program but let's take a look at whether it is still applicable today in this Affiliate Blogger Pro review.

Affiliate Blogger Pro Review Summary

Product Name: Affiliate Blogger Pro

Founder: Founded by Rosalind Gardner in 2009

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Training Course

Price: $27/month

Best For: Complete Beginners

affiliate blogger pro logo

Summary: Affiliate Blogger Pro by Rosalind Gardner is a legit platform with detailed step-by-step training on affiliate marketing. However, this is a very outdated program and they don't provide you any active support and tools. Affiliate Blogger Pro is a thing of the past.

Rating: 49/100

Recommended: No

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The Super Affiliate Network Review: What Misha Wilson is Not Telling You

There has been quite a lot of hype and promotion that is going on for The Super Affiliate Network (SAN) by the legendary internet marketer Misha Wilson.

If you want to find out whether SAN is legit and is it worth your time and money, keep reading this review because I have all the information you need in this post...

The Super Affiliate Network Review Summary

Product Name: The Super Affiliate Network

Founder: Founded by Misha Wilson in 2015

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Training Course

Price: $37/month + UPSELLS up to $12,497

Best For: Misha Wilson himself and people who have the capital to invest

the super affiliate network logo

Summary: The Super Affiliate Network is a thorough affiliate marketing training platform. But its main focus is on Solo Ad, Email marketing and promoting its own membership. Plus, it has some pyramid scheme features which you should stay away from.

Rating: 45/100

Recommended: No

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Clickbank Pirate Review: Make $10,000 Per Month Without a Website

If you want to find out whether Clickbank Pirate is a legit program or is it another scam, you gotta read this:

clickbank pirate unrealistic hype

This is the bold claim Clickbank Pirate offers right at the top of their sales page.

Do you believe that you can make $10,000 per month without a website or your own product?

I can tell you that this is possible in the online world but it's totally not possible with Clickbank Pirate. Continue reading this Clickbank Pirate review and I'll reveal to you all the unrealistic promises they are giving you...

Clickbank Pirate Review Summary

Product Name: Clickbank Pirate (Click here to join)

Founder: David Blaze, Soren Jordansen and Cindy Battye

Product Type: Make Quick Money with Clickbank Turnkey Package

Price: $67 signup fee + $37/month + $197 upsell

Best For: The Owner

Summary: Clickbank Pirate is a low-quality doe-for-you affiliate marketing package. They have a lot of unrealistic claims and promises that are not delivered. Overall, it's a bad product that is only good for the owners.

Rating: 25/100

Recommended: No

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BigSpot Review: Is it just another SurveySay? (btw, BigSpot = BS)

BigSpot used to be promoted a lot on television advertising themselves as the reliable place for paid surveys. Is this true or is this just another paid survey scam? We'll find out in this BigSpot review...

BigSpot Review Summary

Product Name: BigSpot

Founder: Unknown

Product Type: "Middleman" between survey takers and survey companies​​​​

Price: Free

Best For: The owner

bigspot logo

Summary: BigSpot is not a scam but it is just another survey affiliate that is wasting your time. In fact, BigSpot is exactly the same as SurveySay.

Rating: 15/100

Recommended: No

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SurveySay Review: Not a Scam, but Pretty USELESS!

Once again, this is another paid survey review. Is SurveySay another paid survey scam or is it one of the few legit platform? Let's find out in this SurveySay review...

SurveySay Review Summary

Product Name: SurveySay

Founder: Unknown (Founded in 2008)

Product Type: Paid Survey "Middleman"

Price: FREE

Best For: The Owner

surveysay logo

Summary: SurveySay is just a normal "middleman" affiliate site to refer you to other survey companies and make money in the process. Stay away from it because you will not earn anything much, if any.

Rating: 15/100

Recommended: No

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Slice The Pie Review: Make Money by Simply Listening to Music?

In this Slice The Pie review, I'm going to walk you through whether it is really possible to make money by simply listening to songs.

Or is Slicethepie a scam? We'll find out soon...

Slice The Pie​​​​ Review Summary

Product Name: Slice The Pie (Click here to join)

Founder: Founded by David Courtier-Dutton in 2007

Product Type: Paid Music Review Site

Price: FREE

Best For: Music enthusiasts who want to earn some extra cash

slicethepie logo

Summary: Slice The Pie is a legitimate platform that pays members for reviewing musics and fashion products. However, the most you can earn is a couple of dollars per hour. It's definitely not worth your time.

Rating: 45/100

Recommended: No

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Survey Junkie Review: Is it Worthwhile Earning $2 Per Survey?

This is yet another paid surveys website review. Most paid surveys are simply scams but Survey Junkie is very different. It has a really high rating in the industry so I feel it's a good idea to investigate this website a little bit more and write this Survey Junkie review.

Survey Junkie Review Summary

Product Name: Survey Junkie

Founder: Founded by Armen Adjemian in 2005

Product Type: Paid Survey Portal

Price: FREE

Best For: Anyone who wants some extra cash

survey junkie logo

Summary: Survey Junkie is one of the very few legitimate paid surveys sites in the market. Members do earn what they deserve so it's a good opportunity to make some extra cash. But just like all other paid survey sites, none of them can make you rich.

Rating: 80/100

Recommended: Yes

Paid surveys will never make you rich. It only allows you to earn some extra cash. If you are looking for ways to make real passive income online so that you can achieve financial freedom, check out My Top Recommended Program Here!

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