5 Figure Day claims that their ready-made websites can automatically suck in hungry leads and potential income up to 500% faster than your outdated one. Not only that, they are willing to give you this website for FREE.
First of all, I'm pretty skeptical of this program by judging on its name - "5 Figure Day". Really?
Next, looking at their bold claims, I'm pretty sure it's just their marketing strategy. Well, let's find out whether this is legit in this 5 Figure Day review...
5 Figure Day Review Summary
Product Name: 5 Figure Day
Founder: Bryan Winters
Product Type: Pyramid Scheme in disguise
Price: $7 Trial (7 days) then $97/Month
Best For: Nobody except Bryan

Summary: 5 Figure Day is a scam because it doesn't have any real product and it's working like a MLM or even a pyramid scheme. All you need to do to make money with this program is to recruit new members.
Rating: 10/100
Recommended: No