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How To Fix SSL Errors – 10 Things To Do After Installing SSL

​This is an extended post from "The Beginner's Complete Guide to SSL Certificate", to help you fix the potential errors you may be facing after installing SSL certificate on your website.

Installing SSL can be a very troublesome process if you don't have the right means and support because SSL certificate itself is a really complicated thing to handle. The worst thing to happen is that it may even break your site if something goes wrong.

But, don't worry! If you've read my Beginner's Guide to SSL, you will have a clear understanding of what it is and how it works. If you've followed the steps in the guide, that's even greater, you will surely have one set up in place right now.

However, installing SSL is not the end, this post will guide you on what to do afterwards.​ There are 10 Steps to take and I'll explain that later on. At the same time, if you encounter any problems, this post can help you sort it out.

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What is a Free SSL Certificate – The Beginner’s Complete Guide

If you are a website owner or you want to build a website, you should pay attention to this post.

I'm going to tell you exactly what is a SSL Certificate​ and how it can benefit your site. Guess what, it can help you rank higher in Google as well!

I'll also offer you my #1 Recommended place to get a FREE SSL Certificate for your website. So by the end of this post, you will not only understand what is SSL, but also know how to get one quality certificate for FREE.​

Sounds great?​

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