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Category Archives for "Trading"

Is Oxford Income Letter a Scam? Check This Out If You’re Trading!

Welcome to my Oxford Income Letter review!

One of the most lucrative income opportunities is trading, be it in stocks, forex, or commodities. If you do it right, it’s going to turn into a form of passive income. But the capital needed to make the gains is quite high.

This is where this newsletter comes in.

This is Oxford Income Letter.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with Oxford Income Letter in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal what this newsletter can do for you if you're going to be a trader...

Oxford Income Letter Review Summary

Product Name:  Oxford Income Letter

Founder:  Marc Lichtenfeld

Product Type:  Financial Investment Newsletter.

Price:  $79 to $249 (discounted) a year

Best For:  People who want to take their trading to a different level

Is Oxford Income Letter a Scam Image Summary

Summary:  Oxford Income Letter is a financial investment newsletter that provides you with weekly and monthly updates containing strategies, news, and techniques that will help you carry out trades better. There's so much value packed on their annual subscription that it would be a shame if you'd pass on this offer. Plus if you don't like it, there's a 90-day money-back guarantee too. 

Rating: 80/100

Recommended: Yes

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Is Market Buster a Scam? It’s a BS Binary Options Trading SCAM!

Welcome to my Market Buster review!

Forex trading, binary options trading, and investing in stocks are few of the most lucrative ways to make money online. There are numerous trading platforms made available to get you set-up. A few clicks here and there will have you make or lose money, but these are not risk-free. In fact, legitimate trading platforms let their consumers know that there’s a lot of risk involved in trading. Due to the volatility of the markets, there’s no guarantee you’ll win or lose. It’s a game of chance, to put it simply.

That’s why it’s easy to spot scams in the trading industry because they say the complete opposite. They guarantee incomes of thousands of dollars a day, they say the system is automated, and so on.

Today, we’re going to review one of these schemes called Market Buster.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with Market Buster in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal why this is nothing more than a big scam!

Market Buster Review Summary

Product Name:  Market Buster

Founder:  Ethan Taylor

Product Type:  Binary Options Trading Platform

Price:  $250 minimum investment

Best For:  No One!

Is Market Buster a Scam Image Summary

Summary:  Market Buster is marketed as a binary options trading platform that automates trading for you. In reality, it's nothing more than a scam that can make the owner richer and you poorer. They'll have you work with a terrible broker, and they'll make you jump through hoops to get your cash. That is, if you do get your cash...

Rating: 1/100

Recommended: No!

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Is Verified Profits a Scam? You Don’t Want This Trading Bot!

Welcome to my Verified Profits review!

Trading, in a nutshell, is very lucrative when done right. People have made millions of dollars through trading alone, and they’ve even gone so far as host their own courses and programs to help others do the same.

The other side of the trading spectrum shows the scammers and schemes that try to make people think that they’re the “end-all, be-all” of all programs. They market themselves as being able to get you thousands of dollars per day without doing a lot of work.

So how does one tell which is which?

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with Verified Profits in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal why you don't even want this program...

Verified Profits Review Summary

Product Name:  Verified Profits 

Founder:  Daniel Walker (FAKE!)

Product Type:  Binary Trading Bot

Price:  $250 minimum deposit

Best For:  NO ONE!

Is Verified Profits a Scam Image Summary

Summary:  Verified Profits is a binary trading bot that guarantees thousands of dollars per day. However, it's nothing more than just a scam. The testimonials are fake, and there's no owner information. That's more than enough to dissuade people from even buying this program. 

Rating: 1/100

Recommended: No!

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Is Cash for Patriots a Scam? It’s an Investment Newsletter But…

Welcome to my Cash for Patriots review!

This program has you thinking that you’re going to make money by taking advantage of the US government’s program.

Unfortunately, it’s not what we expected and we already reviewed a handful of them before.

Today, we’re checking out Cash for Patriots.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with Cash for Patriots in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal why this program is not that hyped up to be and why it's somewhat misleading...

Cash for Patriots Review Summary

Product Name:  Cash for Patriots

Founder:  Zachary Scheidt

Product Type:  Investment Newsletter

Price:  $49.99 per year (Lifetime Income Report subscription)

Best For:  People who want to take their investments and trading to a whole new level.

Is Cash for Patriot a Scam Image Summary

Summary:  Cash for Patriots is a legitimate newsletter from a reputable financial publication. But as much as its legitimate, we can't help but point out how misleading their sales pitches are. If they were a bit honest, this review would've went the other way. 

Rating: 50/100

Recommended: No

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Is IM Mastery Academy a Scam? A Forex Trading MLM Reviewed!

Welcome to my IM Mastery Academy review!

One of the most complicated ways to make money online is through Forex Trading. It’s lucrative and can generate you a lot of money if you know how to do it right.

However, there are no guarantees that you’ll succeed no matter how good you are.

Today, we’re taking a look at a Forex Trading company with a built-in MLM compensation structure. This is IM Mastery Academy.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with IM Mastery Academy in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal what this program is all about and if you can make some money with it. 

IM Mastery Academy Review Summary

Product Name:  IM Mastery Academy

Founder:  Christopher Terry

Product Type:  Forex Trading MLM

Price:  $16.71 to $325, depending on Starter Pack

Best For:  People who do Forex Trading

Is IM Mastery Academy a Scam Image Summary

Summary:  IM Mastery Academy is a legitimate MLM company that markets various Forex Trading tools, but if you're looking for a source of full-time income. The income potential is really low, and you can see that in their income disclosure statement. The product itself is a challenge to market because not a lot of people do Forex trading. 

Rating: 50/100

Recommended: No!

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3 Week Millionaire Review – Another Notorious Binary Trading Scam!

Welcome to my 3 Week Millionaire review!

We’ve reviewed a lot of programs that ended up being scams, and sometimes we don’t really have to guess because the name itself makes them too obvious.

One of the best examples of that is this program called 3 Week Millionaire. As soon as I started to look for information about this program, my assumptions were already proven correct.

Check out our full review in the section below…

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with 3 Week Millionaire in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal what this trading scam is all about and why you're not going to be making any money at all...

3 Week Millionaire Review Summary

Product Name:  3 Week Millionaire

Founder:  Sean Wallace

Product Type:  Binary Signals Trading Platform

Price:  $250 to $350 minimum investment

Best For:  No One!

3 Week Millionaire Review Image Summary

Summary:  3 Week Millionaire is a binary signals trading platform that promises you could make a million dollars in 3 weeks. Unfortunately, there's nothing honest about this program: from its landing page to its testimonials. We found several red flags about this program, and we're going to talk about them in this article. 

Rating: 1/100

Recommended:  No!

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V3 Trader Review – An Investment Newsletter Program Worth Joining?

Welcome to my V3 Trader review!

One of the most lucrative ways to make money is to trade stocks. When done right, you could potentially earn millions of dollars every year. But there’s just more to stocks than just buying and selling.

Stock and Forex trading have become quite popular over the last few years that it’s now become a breeding ground for a lot of scams, and putting all the legitimate software and platforms to shame. This often leaves people with bad experiences and they no longer want to continue trading.

In Smart Affiliate Success, we’ve tracked those legitimate platforms and scam systems altogether in order to help people with their trading career.

Today, we’re taking a look at a trading system like no other called V3 Trader.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with V3 Trader in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal what makes this investment newsletter program worth joining

V3 Trader Review Summary

Product Name:  V3 Trader

Founder:  Tom Gentile

Product Type:  Investment Newsletter

Price:  $1950 per month

Best For:  People who are serious about their trading.

V3 Trader Review Image Summary

Summary:  V3 Trader is one of the most comprehensive newsletter for people who want to take their trading on a whole new level. Created by America's most renowned pattern trader, the newsletter is effective and reliable, and takes out a lot of the guesswork in trading. Read more about this program in this article below...

Rating: 70/100

Recommended:  Yes

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Is Platincoin a Scam? It’s Not But There’s A Catch. Find Out What That Is!

Welcome to my Platincoin review!

A lot of schemes are now involving cryptocurrencies, which is something that the public must be wary of.

It’s true that the vast majority of the general public don’t know anything about the world of cryptocurrency and how it works. That’s why these schemes are going after them.

One of these schemes that we’re investigating today is Platincoin.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with Platincoin in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal what's the catch when it comes to getting into this income opportunity!

Platincoin Review Summary

Product Name:  Platincoin

Founder:  Alex Reinhardt

Product Type:  Cryptocurrency Trading Platform

Price:  5 Eur to 10,000 Eur Investment

Best For:  No one

Platincoin Review Image Summary

Summary:  Platincoin is a cryptocurrency trading / investment opportunity that has you investing in their token called PlatinCoin. The more money you invest, the more money you get back. However, there's just a few things that has me not wanting to recommend this program to anyone. One big reason is that they had a government-issued warning against them by Germany's financial regulation institution, and that's something not to be taken lightly. I'll go over this warning in the article below. 

Rating: 20/100

Recommended:  No!

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BitTrain Review – A Crypto Ponzi Scheme In Action!

Welcome to my BitTrain review!

Whenever there’s a scheme where cryptocurrency’s involved, chances are it might be a scam. This sounds like a completely harsh conclusion, but it’s the truth.

Cryptocurrency trading itself is an enigma, and unless done through legitimate trading platforms, schemes that promise huge returns on investments are just outright scams.

One of the schemes that we will be reviewing is BitTrain.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with BitTrain in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal what this cryptocurrency scheme is trying to get you and why you're not going to get your money back! 

BitTrain Review Summary

Product Name:  BitTrain

Founder:  John Kin and Allen Coko

Product Type:  Cryptocurrency Investment Scheme

Price:  $100 to $25,000 Investment

Best For:  No one!

Bittrain Review Image Summary

Summary:  BitTrain is a cryptocurrency investment scheme that works a lot like a Ponzi scheme due to its income opportunity being too reliant on recruitment. When we dissected their compensation plan, we found out that the only way for anyone to make money here was to recruit people, and in the eyes of the FTC and other agencies, this is a big no-no. There were several other red flags that were raised in this review, and we'll reveal them in this article. 

Rating: 1/100

Recommended:  No! 

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Is Airbit Club a Scam? A Cryptocurrency Scheme Exposed!

Welcome to my Airbit Club review!

This is a prolific scheme in Asian countries, particularly the Philippines.

In fact, the writer has had some personal experience with the said scheme, given that he knows a couple of people who runs this particular program.

This is Airbit Club.

First of all, I must Congratulate you for taking your time to do your own research before buying into any "seemingly good" product.

That's the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, I'm not associated with Airbit Club in any form.

So, rest assured that I'm not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I'm here to reveal what this scheme is all about and why it's not going to be worth your time and money anymore. 

Airbit Club Review Summary

Product Name:  Airbit Club

Founder:  Gutemberg dos Santos and Renato Rodriguez

Product Type:  Cryptocurrency Trading Scheme

Price:  $250 to $1000 Initial Investment

Best For:  No one

Airbit Review Image Summary

Summary:  Airbit Club is a cryptocurrency trading scheme that sells you the opportunity of making money via cryptos. The investment scheme has you recruiting people into different levels with promises of generating huge ROI. However, the program is not what I'd call the perfect income opportunity because it already has public warnings against them in countries such as Spain and the Philippines, where the program is prolific

Rating: 1/100

Recommended:  No!

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